Monday, December 13, 2010

Dorian Gray CH 2

Are the events in Chapter 2 alluding to the Biblical myth of The Garden of Eden?  Find textual evidence to support this allusion.  Remember the characters, settings, and other details of the original myth.


  1. -Before chapter two starts, the setting is Basil and Lord Henry in the garden. Basil, the painter, is like God (The creator of all things). He had created the picture of Dorian Grey to perfection. Lord Henry is something like the serpent, who persuades Dorian that he should ignore rules of society. Basil warns Dorian that he shouldn't listen to him because he is a bad influence but Dorian doesn't listen. This represents why Dorian is parallel to Eve, who was the fall of man in the biblical allusion itself.

  2. Chapter 2 is prefering to the Garden of Edan. Lord henry is like a the snake when he pulls Dorian Gray into the garden with him(pg. 14-15).
    The painter said that Henry is a bad influence on people and that he should not listen to him, like Eve should have not listened to the snake.The painter is like god because he trying to help out Dorian by telling not to listen to him.

  3. Yes, chapter 2 is reffering to the garden of Eden because first of all which is the key point is that the characters in "TPDG" are in a garden. In the first paragraph of the chapter. "Forest Scenes" are quoted. In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve were in a very simalr setting as this in the chapter. Basil and Dorian Grey were already friends and Lord Henry was to meet Dorian Grey for the first time, but Basil wasn't very fond of the idea. "You must introduce me now," cried Lord Henry, laughing. Him laughing shows that he didnt take the situation serious and he might be sarcastic and manipulative about it. "Dont spoil him. Don't try to influence him. Your influence would be bad". (said Basil). Eventually when lord Henry got Dorian Grey alone (in the garden) he took advantage of his innocence and curiosity.
    - "You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know".
    After this point Dorian Grey's innocence was kind of died down in a way, just like in the garden or Eden when Eve ate from the evil tree and gave some of the apple to Adam.

    Shaneal Prd: 1 (CHECK PLUS!!)

  4. Chapter II starts off with them in a forrest but the reasons its compared to the garden of edan are because of lord henry is like the serpant because he doesn't think sins are real because he states "his virtues are not real to him.his sins. if there are such things as sins he also says the only way to get rid of temptation is to yield it." and dorian told him to stop because he was tempting him in his thoughts and hge realized there were things in his boyhood but basil states "certainly made you have the most wonderful expression. I suppose he has been paying you compliments" in other words telling him things he wants to hear so he'll get what he wants and their friendship altered dorian gray and he feels different like things have changed just like evein the garden of edan when the serpant persuaded her to eat the fruit

    Devonta Streetman

  5. Alphonzo,
    Explain why you referenced page 14-15 here. Why do these pages show us that Lord Henry is like the snake in The Garden of Eden?

  6. Excellent, Shaneal! (Yes, check plus!)

    You did a wonderful job using textual support. You used direct quotes and then explaining them. It was perceptive of you to use the reference to "Forest Scenes" at the beginning of the chapter. It's reasonable to analyze this as part of The Garden of Eden allusion. Anytime an author refers to another piece of art, whether it is another story, a painting, music, etc., it is ALWAYS significant. Well done.

  7. Devonta,
    You chose a very good scene in the chapter to show the allusion to The Garden of Eden. At the moment of Dorian's "wonderful expression" that Basil noticed, may be the actual moment of Dorian's "fall." In other words, this might be the moment that Dorian has left his innocence, like the moment Eve ate the apple. Basil has captured this very moment on his canvas!

    You're right that Dorian "feels different" and "things have changed" after this moment. How did Adam and Eve feel after their fall, after they ate the forbidden apple in The Garden of Eden? What was the first thing they did and how did it relate to how they were feeling?

  8. The apperent thing about this is the setting in which they are. A garden which is filled with wonder fruits, wild trees & animals.Basil is the "God" in this. Making something perfect, Quotedd from Genesis 1:27 v : "So God created man in his OWN image in the image in which god created him.." Basically saying that Basil created this image in the likeness of himself and his own inspiration of Dorian. Basil does not want Lord Henry to "spoil" him. Just like the serpent that came to Eve & "spoiled" her. Influencing Dorian to believe what he say is true, alluded back to the serpent when he was telling Eve that what god said is a lie, he dosent want you to be as smart as he is. He tells Dorian to enjoy himselve instead restaining his life the normally existing things.

  9. Yes, chapter 2 is reffering to the garden of eden because the characters in the garden and on page 14 dorian was like he was tired of standing and convinced others to come out in sit in the garden with him. While he's out there lord henry's fills up his head with craziness( so lord henry is like the serpant)and when basil tried to warn dorian he wouldnt listen.

    Corinthians Brown

  10. I agree with Alphonso, It seems as the painter is God in the garden, since the painter creates picture and God at the time was creating the world. Like God in the Garden of Eden advising Adam and Eve, the Painter, Basil, tried to give Dorian advice about Lord Henry, and what king of person he is. Soon, Gray runs into Lord Henry in the Garden and now Lord Henry starts trying to influence Dorian in negative ways, like the snake did Eve in the Garden of Eden.
