Saturday, January 1, 2011

Siddhartha: Kamala (wed 1/5)

Describe the dream Siddhartha has while staying the night at the ferryman's hut.  Interpret its literal and implied meanings as well as its possible symbolic meaning.


  1. The dream that Siddhartha has while in the ferryman's hut is one about he and Govinda. In the dream, Siddhartha had embraced Govinda, and had started kissing on her breast. Upon kissing on the breast of Govinda, Govinda was no longer a man, but had become a woman. The lady's robe was now exposed with a breast hanging out, laiden with milk. Siddhartha had drank of the milk, and it was stated that the milk was sweet with a taste of delicacies. It made Siddhartha feel drunk, and the dream ended there. The literal meaning that is implied here is Siddartha's love for Govinda. He has a great deal of love for him because he dreamed about him in a sense of him being a woman, implying that he'd make the perfect or ideal woman if he was that. This dream symbolizes in a sense love-making. I implied that love-making is what this dream symbolizes bacause later in the section he meets two women, one in which he feels doesn't have experience, or can teach him the things he want to learn, and Kamala, whom he feels can teach him everything he wants to learn and is willing to gain the knowledge and experience from.

    -Andrew Pryor

  2. During the night while sleeping, Siddhartha had a dream that Govinda stood before him, in a yellow ascetic's robe. Govinda looked sad, and sadly asked Siddhartha why did he desert him. Siddhartha then embraced Govinda in the dream by throwing his arms around him, and drew him close, kissing him. Then Govinda turned into this woman, and from the woman Siddhartha laid and drank from the woman's exposed breast. The literal meaning of this dream is that Siddhartha loves Govinda strongly but can't be with Govinda because Govinda has been left behind, so Siddhartha needs to learn how it feels to be loved from a woman. This is symbolic because later in the chapter Siddhartha meets a woman name Kamala who teaches him how to love and does everything he has to, to please her.

  3. The dream that Siddartha has while sleeping in the ferryman's hut is one of him and his good friend Govinda. In this dream Govinda is presented as a man but is soon turned into this woman.Siddartha embraces Govinda as if he was a woman by hugging him very close and which leads to Siddartha kissing on the breast.This is when Govinda turns into a woman.The woman is wearng a robe,and her breast was exposed from the robe. This breast was laiden with milk. Milk in which Siddartha describe to be sweet and strong. This milk caused Siddartha to become drunk and unconscious which ended the dream.The literal meaning of this dream that is implied Is the love Siddartha has for Govinda but can not show because Govinda is no longer around.So he seeks to find love from a woman. This dream is symblic because once you read futher on in the chapter Siddartha meets a woman name Kamala, who teaches him what and how to love, and also what is needed to please her the way she wants to be please by a man.

  4. While Siddartha was asleep one night & he had a interesting dream.He has a dream about one of his friends Govinda.Govinda was wearing a yellow robe & hugs Siddartha.Two seconds later Govinda turns into a women.Siddartha nurses the woman's beautiful breast & experince the world.This was some very intense milk that it made Siddartha drunk which is amazing.The literal meaning of this interesting dream that Siddartha really loves Govinda so much that Govinda turns into a women now thats love but cant show it cause Govinda is not their.The dream is symbolic because as you read more in the chapter Kamala which is a woman comes on the scene.She teaches everything he needs to know about love maybe Kamala is Siddartha's Govinda.

  5. In the night when he slept in the straw hut of a ferryman by the river, Siddhartha had a dream: Govinda was standing in front of him, dressed
    in the yellow robe of an ascetic. Sad was how Govinda looked like, sadly he asked: Why have you forsaken me? At this, he embraced Govinda, wrapped his arms around him, and as he was pulling him close to his chest and kissed him, it was not Govinda any more, but a woman, and an full breast popped out of the woman's dress, at which Siddhartha lay and drank, sweetly and strongly tasted the milk from this breast. The literal meaning of Siddhartha’s dream of Govinda turning into a woman is that he is moving away from his ascetic life that he and Govinda shared toward a new life of pleasure and desire, which he’ll share with Kamala. What's symbolic about is that Siddhartha is making a huge transition: from being an ascetic where he never had any relations with a woman to practicing the art of love on a daily basis.

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  7. Awwwww man, the macho Siddhartha drinks booby milk from a beauty he sees in his dream.......beautiful. I wonder if his dream turned into a wet one........
