Saturday, January 1, 2011

Siddhartha: Samsara (tues 1/11)

Siddhartha's dream of the songbird and Kamala's later release of the bird are both highly symbolic.  Explain the meaning of the dream and the release.


  1. Siddhartha had a dream that the songbird Kamala owned remained silent one morning, when it usually sings. Siddhartha stepped to the cage to only find that the songbird was dead. He took it out, weighted it in his hand, and then threw it away, at the same time he received a heart ache as if he had cast away "everything valuable and good" from himself. The meaning of the dream is that Siddhartha is the bird, and if he flees, he is leaving everything valuable behind him. The release was symbolic because after Kamala got word Siddhartha was gone she let the bird(Siddhartha) go, and stayed locked up. Siddhartha was leaving back experiencing life, this baby could have pulled out the self he is looking for.

  2. Kamala owned a small, rare singing bird in a golden cage. Of this bird, he dreamt. He dreamt: this bird had become mute, who at other times always used to sing in the morning, and since this arose his attention, he stepped in front of the cage and looked inside; there the small bird was dead and lay stiff on the ground. He took it out, weighed it for a moment in his hand, and then threw it away, out in the street, and in the same moment, he felt terribly shocked, and his heart hurt, as if he had thrown away from himself all value and everything good by throwing out this dead bird. Siddhartha’s dream about the dead songbird I think means that if he continues on his current path then what happened to the songbird could be what would happen to him. Kamala’s actual release of the songbird was like her releasing Siddhartha. She knew that he had experienced some sort of awakening therefore when he left she wasn't surprised.

  3. Kamala had a bird that sings which is rare.One night Siddartha had a dream that the bird that usually sing all the time didn't sing this time.So Siddhartha got up to see what was wrong with the bird to discover that the happy bird was dead.He really couldnt believe it cause he was holding the bird in his hand for a while until he threw the bird out.Right after that he start feeling real bad & terrible.By throwing the bird out he lets go of all good & value in his life.Siddhartha's dream about the bird i think means that the things he was doing before looked good but on the inside it was hurting him.Kamala releasing the bird is like her releasing Siddartha.I guess se feels like Siddhartha can't do nothing for her now so she might as well move on & I believe Kamala already knew thats why she didnt stop him.

  4. In the dream, Siddhartha was dreaming of this bird. This was symbolic because from the dream, he noticed he had been closer to death than initially first thought. It was the way he wasted his life, sitting on the couch, watching television. This was implied off of the fact that the bird died in his dream, and when he awake he just thought of death, as it been sitting right by him, anticipating him as he had become a semana. It brung a realization upon him that he had been getting accustom to things that were irrelevant, as in not caring for himself, not eating, etc. The release tied into the dream because in a sense of the dream, but not exactly, the bird was freed from lockdown. The birdcage was the equivalent of a prison cell, small confined space, with nowhere to go. Just as when prisoners are released, the bird had no intentions of returning, thus which Kamala knew. What was also ironic about the scene was that Kamala released the bird and the book was talking about how she loved Siddhartha, but she also loved that bird. This lets us as readers know that when she let go of the bird, she was letting Siddhartha go, but it leave us with the question that if she somehow finds the bird without searching, will she find Siddhartha?

    -Andrew Pryor
