Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dorian Gray CH 10 (Tues 1/18)

What does Dorian's decision not to "allow" Basil to save him help characterize Dorian?


  1. Dorian decision not to let Basil help him characterizes him as a person that likes to do it himself. He dont like help from anyone. He dont want anybody to think that he needs to depend on them. He dont likes to get help from nobody. He is like a selfish person,he doesnt want or need anybody save him. He is more like a person like me if it happens its just gone happen. He just dont worry bout what happens. He worries about what happens in the future he only worry about whats happening right now.He dont care whats goin in the future.

  2. Dorian's decision not to let Basil tells alot about him. He says in chapter 8, "Dont leave me, Basil and dont quarrel with me. I am what I am. Th ere is nothing more to be said. He has become selfish and coldhearted, after the love of his showed her true self he felt less loved and appreciated more like used. He doesn't wish to be saved from this reality hes living. The past is the past him, even though its not that long ago as he says " What is done is done. What is past is past. He only worries of himself in the future, the past is done, it cannot be unchanged & nither can he. Basil is generally reason why Dorain is so vain in himself.

  3. Basil's decision proves that Dorian really did have a mind of his own. He was fond of Lord Henry because lord henry was so cynical. He told Basil that he liked him more than lord Henry though. Even though he liked Basil, he didn't feel the same way about Basil as Basil felt about him, and him choosing not to let Basil save him proves that he rathers make his own choices or give him own self advice. He was kind of weirded out by the way basil thought of him. He thought about showing the world Basil's masterpiece of him but he feared it would affect his man hood.

    Shaneal Simpson Prd 1

  4. in the first sentence i meant to put Dorian's decision;


  5. Dorian is now being a little self centered. He feels he can save himself, so he denies the help from good friends such as Basil, who is someone who would probably sacrifice anything for Dorian. Whatever Dorian decides to do for now and in the future is up to Dorian basically. With that said, this is where the comment, " what is done is done," comes into play. Whatever happened in Dorian's past is done, and absolutely no one can change that.

  6. I believe Dorian's decision not to let Basil help save him shows that he has become more independent. The text states that Dorian wonders why he won't tell Basil the truth about the painting. He knows that Basil could help him resist Lord Henry's influence, but he decides that it is to late to tell him now. His male ego could also have a lot to do with this decision. In the past chapter, Dorian states that he has grew from a boy to a man since Lord Henry has become a big influence on the way he looks at life. This ego controls why he feels he could maybe take care of the situation on his own instead of running to Basil for help.

  7. I feel Dorian is showing he is his on person now and sshowing what kindof individual he is now. Lord Henry is a big influence on the way Dorian is acting now Dorian feels like Lord Henry helped Dorian grow from a boy to a man but Dorian is being selfish by not wanting any help from basil who has so much love for dorian

    Devonta Streetman

  8. Lord Henry is a big influence on the way Dorian is acting because he looks up to lord Henry. While he's acting like this he is treating basil like dirt. He doesn't realize that basil will do anything for him because basil has alot of feelings for him because he admires him.This shows that he wants to do this on his on because he won't let basil save him.

    Corinthians brown

  9. For Dorian To Decide Not To Allow Basil To Save Him Shows That He has A Mind Of His Own. He Is Now Becoming More Independent. The Text Explains That He Knows That Basil Will Be Able To Save Him From The Influences Of Lord Herny, But Instead, He Decides It Is No Longer Relevant. Since The Death Of Sibyl, Dorian Has Changed Tremendously, And It Shows In His Painting. He Wont Even Show The Painting Because Hew Know That The Picture Has Changed As Well.

  10. So what answer is right?
