Friday, January 21, 2011

Siddhartha Free Response #2 (Tues 1/25)

A foil is a character in literature who highlights certain traits of the main character by contrasting them.  For example, a coward helps to show the hero's bravery in a stronger light.  Choose either Govinda or Kamala to write a well-developed and textually supported post in which you show how he or she serves in the novel as a foil for Siddhartha.

Avoid plot summary.


  1. A foil character in Siddhartha is Govinda. Govinda is Siddhartha's best friend who is also trying to achieve enlightenment. They both decide to follow Gotama but Siddhartha decides to leave and follow his own path. Govinda stays committed to Gotama and follows under his instruction. Then later on in the book Govinda wants to learn from Siddharta because he has already attained enlightenment or Nirvana. What makes Govinda a foil to Siddhartha is that Govinda is a follower. He didn't choose his own path like Siddhartha did. Siddaharta attained Nirvana by doing what it takes by himself. Govinda needs things to be shown or explained to him which makes him very dependent. Whereas Siddhartha is independent.

  2. A foil to the protagonist in the story shows how it can defy the problem inside the protagonist. Kamala played a huge role as the foil for siddhartha. During the time she spent with Siddhartha, she (Kamala) brought the world out of him. She was the love artist who not only showed, but she "taught" him about the love making process, and in turn also let him know that at heart, he can't love anyone until he really finds himself, or love oneself. She helped Siddhartha learn what it truly was to love someone, and not just say that from what he intends to feel. However, in the end she serves as a foil to Siddhartha because she gives him the realization to truly find himself and know what real love is, down the line in life, rather than just saying he loves someone but really doesn't mean it. This, in hand, helps Siddhartha in the end when he reaches nirvana to infer back to what was taught to him about the true meaning of "love."

    -Andrew Pryor

  3. A foil charter in Siddhartha out of Govinda & Kamala got to be Govinda.It's simple they both started out in the same place & actually did the same things at the beginning of the story but the author shows you the two different options they had.You could either do what Siddhartha did & search for your enlightment basically with no help or you can do what Govinda did & look for teachers to help you along the way.Then the author showed how the path Govinda choose needed Siddhartha just to see his enlightment.So to me their is no doubt that it got to be Govinda.
