Monday, January 17, 2011

Dorian Gray CH 11 (Wed 1/19)

How does Dorian's relationship with the portrait evolve over time?


  1. Over time as Dorian continues to read his yellow book, his appearance still remains beautiful as ever. The text includes that Dorian often looks at the portrait and enjoys how corrupt it has began to look. The author lets us know that Dorian seems obsessed with the picture now and almost always compares himself to the portrait. More time passes by and Dorian is starting to become evil. The author shows that he is obsessed with decadent violence. His whole state of mind has changed and now he sees "evil as beauty".

  2. Over time Dorian seems to be trying to avoid the painting, but for some reason he is addicted to the portrait, so he occasionally goes up to the attic to watch the picture transform. This addiction he has to this portrait torments his soul. He can go for weeks without looking at the picture, trying to focus on other things, such as, the book Lord Henry gave him, or when he takes up interests in music, jewels, ancient items, and the study of his ancestors. Dorian does all of this to forget about the picture, but over time the picture draws him right back into the attic. He basically reminds me of a drug addict because, he can not stay away from the picture no matter how hard he tries, just as it is hard for a drug addict to stay off the drug they are addicted to.

  3. At the begining of the book, Dorian loves the portriat. He is obssessed with his beauty. But as the story goes on, Sybil Vane tells Dorian of her love for him, that she willing to give up her profession of acting to be with him. He is digusted by this which turns him to a cruel unruly person and tells Sybil about him not loving her anymore. That night he goes home and looks at the painting of himselve and the mouth is twisted into unpleasure making him looking old and mean. He does not even want Basi to see this horrible picture of himself. Dorian tries to save him self from it by putting it the attic and covering it with a screen and then put a sheet over it. Time to time he would back to the attic and reminece over it like some old pastime.

  4. As time pass by in the book Dorian trys to hide fruom the picture he wanted to not look at the picture. In the book he says that he wants the picture to get old and he stays young. HE hides the picture and try not to look at it but he cant resist it. Over time the picture gets older and he stays young. He got the wish that he wished for. When Sibyl Was living he had a easy going attitude. But when she said she wanted to stop acting because she loved him, he git mad and stop loving her. And when she died he really had a bad attitude. But his appearance didnt change the picyure changed.

  5. At First, It Seemed As Though Dorian Disowned The Piture, But The More He Beomes Involved With His "Evil State Of Mind". The More He Becomes More Invloved With His Portrait. It Seems That The Death Of Sibly Made Him Into A Person That No One Soon Like. Not Only The Death Of Sibly, But The Interactions With Lord Henry, Is Making Him Act A certain Way. It Was Said Fisrt By BAsil That Lord Henry Was A Bad Example For Dorain Since He Was "Innnocent". Now, Things Are Changing And He Is Becoming The "Man In The Mirror". Or In This Case, "Man In The Portrait".

  6. At first Dorian seemed to envy the portrait because it would remain beautiful as he would age, but over time he began to favor the portrait more and more. I think the only reason he began to form a relationship with the portrait was because, it displayed all his sins while he remained young looking. In the text it said that Dorian viewed the portrait alot and compared himself with it all the time. Dorian felt realeased that the portrait would suffer all the "flaws" and he would and it made him have an evil state of mind.


  7. At the beginning of the story Dorian was in love with the portriat. He really envied because the portrait was all he talked about , but as the story went on he started to dislike the portrait because the portrait changed. It started to look old and ugly and he didn't like the portrait. He got to the point to where he hid the portrait in a room where nobody goes in to.

    Corinthians Brown

  8. Dorian got tired of looking at the portrait and he envied it because the portrait would stay beautiful all the time and he would age. Dorian has changed a lot after sibyls death he is not the innocent man he once was. Basil told Dorian that lord Henry would be a bad influence on him

    Devonta Streetman
