Friday, January 21, 2011

DORIAN GRAY CH 16 ( Thurs 1/27)

How does the similes in the chapter illustrate the changes taking place in Dorian's life?


  1. Three similes that caught my attention were, "The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow skull","The way seemed interminable, and the streets like the black web of some sprawling spider",and "The monotony became unbearable, and, as the mist thickened, he felt afraid." As i read this chapter and some of the similes in the chapter, i realized Dorian's life has changed tremendously. He has asked someone to take him to a different part of town where the people give off a somewhat creepy vibe. He is also on drugs and is just showing that the "devil" has got a hold of him and his soul.

  2. I agree with Mykayla, saying that all these similes show that Dorian's whole life has turned around. He is a drug addict and is starting to go places where men of his nature do not belong. He has evil all around him, light is overcame by darkness, which goes with the quote,"The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow skull." All of the gentlemen-like qualities Dorian had are fading away, while evil is taking over.

  3. I agree with both mykala and robert turner. These similies show that Dorians life made a turn for the worse.He turns into a drug addict after he killed Basil. When he turns into a addict he started loosing all he good qualities. Like one of the similies state that "the moon hung low like a yellow skull", this means that all the qualaties dorian had started fading away like the moon when the sunrises in the morning. Now Dorian is starting to turn bad(evil) person because he still blames his self for the death of Sibyl. When Sibyl died thats when Dorian Life made a turn for the worse.

    Corinthians Brown

  4. The Similes In This Chapter Shows The Ugliest Features That Are Taking Dorian's Soul Away From Him. It Is Actually Telling The Moral Truth Of His Soul, As Said By The Portrait. all Of The Similies In This Chapter Are A Comparison To Things That Are Gothic Vibe. Which Brings In The Fact That He Is Asking People To Take Him To A Town That Is The Gothic Vibe Area. Dorain As Officially Went From The Man Who Was Innocent, Had The Innocent Look, But Now A Person Who No one Wants To Be Around.

  5. The similes show that doriaN s change for the worst he is on drug and he has asked someone to take him to a different part of town where the people give off a somewhat creepy vibe.The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow skull." this simile shows that things are becoming very creepy Dorian has lost his innocence his innocent look and he's not being looked at as the man he once was this all came because of the death of sibyl who he once loved

    Devonta Streetman

  6. "To cure the soul by means of the senses, and the senses by means of the soul." This quote isn't quite a simile, but i think it does illustrate some of the changes taking place in Dorian's life. Sort of like Dorian was experiencing an awakening in his soul. " The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow skull." The author probably used the word skull because, skulls symbolized death. "The fog was lighter here, and he could see the strange bottle-shaped kilns with their orange fan-like tounges of fire." This also symbolises something cruel or evil. From the similes in this chapter i can say that Dorians life may be in danger or someone close to him

    Shaneal Simpson

  7. Dorian changes is shown in the similes in the txt of The Picture Dorian Gray. Dorian is on drugs he is very depressed.The fog was lighter here, and he could see the strange bottle-shaped kilns with thier orange fan-like tounge of fire. This symbolizes something cruel.He turns to drugs after he kills Basil.His lightness is turning into darkness.He turns into a bad person because he blames hisself for killing sibly.He kills Basil because he keeps bothering him about that picture.

  8. It seems his life is going very horrible and down the drain. Because of the following similes: A cold rain began to fall, and the blurred street-lamps looked ghastly in the dripping mist. The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow skull. These some signs that his life has turned into complete turmoil. He's become an evil sick drug-user possible abuser of opium now. It brings him quick pleasure and makes him forget about what all hes done for a minute & makes his world in complete balance. He will never be the same again.
