Saturday, January 1, 2011

Siddhartha: With the Child-People (thurs 1/6)

"At times he heard, deep in his heart, a very faint, still voice that quietly admonished him, quietly lamented, so it could barely be perceived" (pg 39).  Why is the very faint voice significant?


  1. This very faint voice is significant because of the fact that Siddhartha had been opening himself up to the people whom surrounded him. It was in a sense that he was behaving upon that discipline of the brahman, and he was realizing the inner change, but didn't want to insist on perceiving it. He felt the passion , as ststed in on page 39, of the same passion in which the brahman felt as they played this "game." This game that he played in made him feel very weird, and also made him realize that life as he knew it was a brush in the wind in his eyes, which was defying that energy instilled upon him to make him feel that of the brahman nature. In this instance, it put the desire in him to patiently entice himself to develop that of a child's mind, in passionately and wholeheartedly enjoy his life, and live for the now.

    -Andrew Pryor

  2. Andrew, what IS this voice? Why is it quietly admonishing him and lamenting? Why is it a very faint voice? What do you mean that playing the "game" made him feel very weird. You're right that he is feeling passion living among the child-people.

    You've got a lot of good ideas in your post, now just tighten it up!

  3. The voice Siddhartha is experiencing is the one of his father. He is father's voice is quietly admonishing and lamenting him because it is reminding him of all the things he could've had instead of sacrificing everything. The voice is faint because at the same time it wants Siddhartha to do what he feels is right for him. This faint voice is significant because it makes Siddhartha realize he is living the life of a Brahman, having money, and able to buy fancy things. Siddhartha doesn't have to sacrifice anything because he has money for anything he needs and playing this game of life makes him realize he isn't getting anything that he wants to learn out of it.

  4. The voice in the chapter that Siddarth hear's is the voice of his father.The voice of his father is lamenting and quietly admonishing him because he is behaving the way a brahman was raised. the voice is refreshing his memory of things that could have been in his possession intead of him scrifising it all. I believe that the voice is faint because it wants to im experience life his own way. During this time, Siddartha is feeling passionate about taking part in the child-like activty. He feels alive playing and really dont want to let it go

  5. The voice that Siddarta is hearing is the voice of his father.His father's voice is very important because it's reminding Siddartha what he had instead of giving up everything.The voice is faint because it wants Siddartha to do wha is right.Now Siddartha realize that something isnt right & discover that he is living a life of a Brahman.He can buy anything he wants now without making no sacrifices.Then Siddartha playing the game that he love life but i think he is ready to move on to the next adventure.

  6. The voice that Siddhartha is hearing that is so faint is the voice of his inner self. Before Siddhartha came to the town he was one with the universe. He knew what he wanted and had set goals for himself. The voice that is so quietly lamenting and admonishing is faint because it is blocked, covered up, almost silent. I say this because Siddhartha has taken on a new role in life. The life of a wealthy merchant by day and love student by night. And that faint voice is who Siddhartha used to be.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. My name is Siddhartha and I am also Brahmin. I feel life is the same way as this Character so dull and without colors. Difference is I live in in 2015 and not in Buddha's time. So strange so dull and so filled with colors at other times. So much in my life is similar to the protagonist.

    1. In this question the voice inside his heart is his Inner Self which has become tired to Sansara and wishes to free himself from the world of desires and material life.
