Saturday, January 1, 2011

Dorian Gray CH 6

What does Lord Henry mean when he states that being married and being engaged are two entirely different things?


  1. -In the text Lord Henry states, "I have a distinct remembrance of being married, but i have no recollection at all of being engaged. I am inclined to think i was never engaged." Lord Henry also says that Dorian will probably adore and be married to her for a small period of time and see another lady he would like to pursue. With that said, I think Lord Henry is saying that when you are engaged, (which is for a small period of time), you are full of happiness and can't wait to spend your life with that person. When you get married in some cases, you slowly realize that you are not as happy as you thought you would be when you were engaged. The long period of being unhappy, (or being married), will outweigh the small time period of being happy (which is being engaged). This is what I think Lord Henry means when he states that being married and being engaged are two entirely different things.

  2. What Lord Henry means by being married and being engaged being two entirely diffrent things is that, when a person is married they are actually dedicated with another person. If a couple happens to be engaged, i think they have chosen to make a statement but havent clearly committed to that statement yet. Each partner can easily change their mind without going through hassles when they are engaged, but when a couple is husband and wife either one of them has to file for divorce through the goverment if they wont peace from eachother. Bottom line is Lord Henry was trying to be sarcastic in a way (knowing his clever character), he was saying that just because Dorian is engaged doesnt mean he has to actually get married

    Shaneal Pr. 1

  3. As lord henry & basil howard sit at the table, lord henry says after he sees the foul reaction of basil to the new of dorian gray's engagement : "But i didnt say he was married. He is engaged to be married. There is a great difference." Meaning after you get married, you have said a distant oath under GOD or whatever you believe in that you will love this person throughout anything. Being engaged just means you love this person enough to be able to say that oath and possibly mean it. While engaged, you could easily break off this agreement without having to sign papers and other things you would do in case of a divorce. Being engaged does not mean you cant fall in love with someone else, it isnt the end.

  4. In chapter six of TPDG Henry states that being married abd being engaged are 2 diffrent this. I also think this because when you are married you are most likly in it for a long period of time,and an engagement is most likely a short periopd of time. When you are married u are stuck and can't go nowhere that's your husband/wife they are not goin nowhere. When are engaged it's up to you, you can either end the engagement or go on head and get married.

  5. Lord Henry feels like being engaged is not Important and not a big deal compared to being married and he expresses this feeling in his quote "I have a distinct remembrance of being married, but i have no recollection at all of being engaged. I am inclined to think i was never engaged." to me engagement means steps to getting married and without those steps there is no marriage a good marriage lasts a long time so without and engagement there is no good marriage

    Devonta Streetman

  6. Lord Henry was basically saying he was never engaged to his wife. He says, "I have a distinct remembrance of being married, but no recollection of being engaged, I am inclined to think I was never engaged. He sees marriage as just something he did. It seems as a simple memory to Lord Henry. Not being engaged to a woman also states that this wasn't a true marriage. Another thing that Lord Henry tells Dorian is that the feelings he has for Sibyl Vane will soon fade away, and he would soon try to pursue another woman. Lord Henry can care less about a woman or marriage.

  7. Lord Henry States that being married and being engaged are two totally different things by that he means that when your are engaged your happy and your ready to get married to that certain person and spend the rest of your life with but when your married you slowly lose interest of that person and you realize that you no longer want to be married.
