Saturday, January 1, 2011

Dorian Gray CH 7

What is Sibyl's explanation for acting so badly?  What is Dorian's reaction to Sibyl's explanation of her bad acting?  What the reaction of Dorian, Lord Henry, and Basil when watching Sibyl perform? 


  1. ""Dorian, Dorian," she cried before i knew you, acting was the one reality of my life. It was only in the theatre that i lived. I thought that i was all true." Basically Sibyl thought that since acting was on the low scale of society, and since she had been acting for so long she looked at Dorian's love for her and her love for Dorian as a ticket to stop acting. She thought that she was doing the right thing by acting horribly and she was babbled from the kiss she had with Dorian the night before. "You came-oh, oh my beautiful love!-and you freed my soul from prison. You taught me what reality really is." Dorian admidiately regretted all his love for Sibyl after she told him this. He considered her nothing without the art of acting and she a shallow, dumb girl with a beautiful face. He told her that he could not see her again and she was nothing to him. Lord Henry felt like she was still beautiful but he said that she simply couldn't act. Basil, acknowledged that maybe she was sick that's why she was acting so horribly. Dorian was in shock and stunned from her acting and didn't consult into the idea of her being sick.

    Shaneal Simpson Prd. 1

  2. After the play, Sibyl was standing back stage with a look of triumph in her face. When she seen him her eyes lit up. She states, "How badly I acted to-night, Dorian!" He agrees. Sibyl then states that he should understand why she acted so bad and why that will continue and she is talking in a tone like it doesn't matter how she will act. Sibyl states, "before i knew you, acting was the one reality of my life...You came-oh, my beautiful love!-and you freed my soul from prison." It doesn't seem to bother her that she acted badly because she has found real love with Dorian. Dorian is really upset at how she acted. "You killed my love" He continues to talk down on Sibyl as if she has never meant anything to him. He shows he has no more interest in her and flees from the theater. Dorian, Basil, and Lord Henry are all enraptured by Sibyl's beauty when she walks out on stage. Once they watch the play, they realize she is doing very poorly and become bored. They feel very disappointed and I think that Dorian feels embarrassed because of how much he bragged on her at the restaurant to his two friends.

  3. In the TPDG Sibyl state that the only reason she act like that is cause the love she has for Dorian."Howbadly i acted acted to night"said Sibyl Dorian agreed with her. She said the only reason she was act was because that was the only way of life for her but now she got him she dont have to act. She said " you freed my soul for prison.Dorian got mad and took back his love for her. he told her without acting she was just a dumb girl with a cute face.He said"You kiled my love".He didnt want to see her no more. Lord Henry said she was still cute but dumb. Basil said she acted like this because she was sick.

  4. Sibyl Explantion For Her Bad Acing Was That She Met Dorian. She States "You Came-Oh, My Beautiful Love!-And You Freed My Soul From Prison. You Taught Me What Reality Really Is. Tonigh For The First Time In My Life, I Saw Through The Hollowness, The Sham, The Silliness Of THe Empty Pageant In Which I Had Always Played. Tonight For The Fisrt Time, I Became Conscious That The Romeo Was Hideous, And Old, And PAinted, That The Moonlight In The Orchard Was FAlse, That THe Scenery Was Vulgar, And The Words I Had To Speak Were Unreal, Were Not MY Words, Were Not What I wanted To Say". Basically What She Trying To SAy Is That She Is No Longer Interesting In Acting. Acting is Is A "Act". She Wants The REAL LOve That Is IN Her And Dorian.
    The REaction From The GUys AT First WAs Excitment. They Were Ready To See Her Performance, Then, The Opposite, They Were REady To Go, And Suggested She Was Ill.

  5. Her explanation was simply that after he had proposed to her, she truely found it was her destiny to love, not be confined by a passion that was truely not hers, just something she did to help out her poor family. Being an actor was the only time she could be someone else, find happiness as she says "before i knew you, acting was on of my realites of my life. It was the only theatre i lived." She had been like a caged bird, only able to sing one song of unhappiness. When he came he freed her soul from imprisonment. Now she can sing a happier song, a song in which she chooses.
    Dorain Gray did'nt take this as, oh shes giving up her passion because her love for me. He taking this as shes being ungrateful. Shes showing her true colors to him & he dislikes this. He loved her as actor, not as a plain girl. He says "How little you can know of love, if you say it mars your art! Without your art you are nothing!"
    Basil & Lord Henry was ready to see a show, they gazed upon her beauty and had a conversation about it. As soon as they seen how horribly she acted they decieded it was time to go. Leaving Dorian completely embarrassed & speechless. Lord henry suggested she was ill. Dorian started to regret everything he ever said about her and apologize for making them waste an evening. Basil gave Dorian a bit of heart-warming words before he left, "Dont talk like that about anyone you love Dorain. Love is a more wonderful thing than Art." Love prevails over all.

  6. Sibyl Vane acknowledges that she had acted badly, only beccause she now feels free, and doesn't feel like acting is what she has to do in life. She says she has felt this way since Dorian has come into her life. Dorian doesn't like that Sibyl badly acted. He starts to down talk her. It seems as he feels that she is worthless if she cannot act. I that he was just embarrassed that she acted so bably in front of Basil and Lord Henry. Lord Henry thought Sibyl was beautiful, but couldn't really act, while Basil thought she might have been sick or something. Sibyl thought that Dorian loved her for her, but now she sees that he loves her only if she can act.

  7. Sibyl Vane reason for acting so badly is before she meet Dorian she never experienced true love and thats why she was a great actor but all of that changed when she meet dorian. When dorian saw her performance he was heart broken and when he talks to Sibyl about her performance she explains that she doesnt want to act anymore than dorian realizes that he's not in love wit Sibyl he's in love with her acting ability. Than Dorian tells sibyl that he never wishes to speak to her again.Lord Henry thinks Sibyl is beautiful but she has no acting ability at all.

  8. Because sibyl was used to her acting life in stage she had never experiences tru love she only acted to help her family it was honestly not her passion but Dorian is thinking she is giving up her passion of actin for love when there was no passion at all but he finally realizes that he is not in love with sibyl but her acting he feels like she is nothin with out her acting but the person lord Henry is he still says she can't act but basil insists that she is I'll

    Devonta streetman
