Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dorian Gray CH 8 (Wed 1/12)

Why is it psychologically necessary for Dorian to write a letter of apology to Sibyl Vane?


  1. This question is easy. Its psycholigically necessary for Dorian to apologize because if he haden't apologized his consiouns would not be positve. He immediately regretted all the thing he had said to Sibyl because he simply degraded her character while managing to break her heart all out of anger. He was so utterly disappointed because he excpect so much more from Sibly that his anger was scratching at his nerves urging him to tell her off. I actually felt sorry for Sibyl but in a way i agree with Dorian cause she should take more pride and passion in her acting career.

    Shaneal Simpson Pr. 1

  2. I think Dorian should apologize to Sibly because he he was wrong for what he did. He know that its goin to be on his heart if he doesnt apologize to her about the situation that happen between them.He was so mad because he thought that in her thaen a normal girl.He take backs all the thing he said to her that was wrong.He told her things that she thought that he wouldnt say bout her.He really should write that letter to make it up to her

  3. It IS Pyschologically Neccesary For Dorain To Apologize To Sibyl Due To The Unconscience Thoughts That May Take PlAce. The Unconscience is The Place Where Things Are Said And Done. Even Though You Dont Know They Are Being Said And Done, The Still Are There And Even MAke You React In Ways Unknown. This May Cause Dorain TO Start Feeling Depressed. Although, He may Not Show it, He Feels It. Another Reason He Should Apologhize IS Because Of Repressed Memories. Repress Memories Are The Worst. He Could Result In Dorian Acting In Ways Not Only To Sibyl But To All Women, But He Wont Remeber The Cause Of His Reaction. Sibyl Put Her All Into TO Dorain And His Reaction Was NOT The Best WAy To Treat Her. She Deserves An Apology!

  4. Psychologically is a word used to describe a state to influence the mind or emotion. It is necessary for Dorian to write Sibyl a letter because of the remarks he said to her after her stage play. He down talked her as if he didn't care about her feelings. Although his actions were out of anger because of her poor performance, he still felt a negative vibe in his heart about the way he talked to the lady he once loved. This conscience forced him to want to write a apologetic letter to Sibyl. I really felt sorry for Sibyl and the way that he talked to her but at the same time, she can't get side track of her job and what brings her money because of love itself.

  5. It is simply the most appropriate thing to do. He told her all of these bad things such as, "You are shallow and stupid, how mad i was to love you!" He also called her nothing but a "Third-rate actress with a pretty face." Basically seeing right though her, when she did nothing but express her for love him & he could have simply told her that he didnt want her to give up this profession of hers just because shes in love. When you do something bad to someone, you don't realize what you have done until its too late to take those words you said & those harmful actions you have done. Everyone has a conscience, which tells you right from wrong & when you do wrong it nags you until you fix whatever you did wrong. So psycholocally, which deals with the mind and the way one thinks,& has a close relationship with the conscience, it is morally necessary for him to write a letter of sincere apology.

  6. It would be psychologically necessary for Dorian to apologize to Sibyl because for one it would stay on his mind all the time. He would stay with a guilty conscious and go everyday regretting everything he had said to Sibyl. He knew that he really hurt her. Sibyl felt that she was more than a low class actor when she was with Dorian, and he responded by downgrading her character, making her feel less than what she is. His love for her is strong, so a psychological apology is necessary.

  7. I think thats its necessary for Dorian to apologize to Sibyl b/c he's the main reason she killed herself. I beleive she killed herself b/c Dorain didnt want to see her anymore b/c she was no longer an actress. The reason he should write a letter is b/c he cant physically apologize but he can leave a letter at her grave site.

  8. I think the reading he is writing this letter 2 sibyl because of His conscience would kill him for all the things he said because of the love he has for her he talk down on sibyl mainly because of her performance by calling her a third rate actress after she expressed so much of her feelings 2 him

    Devonta Streetman
