Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dorian Gray CH 19 (Tues 2/1)

What sets Dorian apart from his "mentor," Lord Henry, when they discuss the death of Basil Hallward?  How does Wilde show the reader that Dorian is quite different from Lord Henry, even though both men seem to share the same interests and sentiments?


  1. In the text Dorian almost confessed of his crime of killing Dorian. He didn't go all the way through with it because he most likely was intemidated by Lord Henry's cynical remarks. Dorian said to Lord Henry, "What would you say, Harry, if i told you that I had murdered Basil?"
    Lord Henry didn't believe him nor did the comment make him sucspicous at all. "All crim is vulgar, just as all vulgarity is crime." I think this statement put Dorian want to clean his concsious to a pause. Yeah, Dorian is quite different from Lord Henry, they had diffrent point of views about crime and good and wrong.

    Shaneal Simpson

  2. When the two discuss the death of Basil, Lord Henry basically doesn't care about the death of Basil. He doesn't think that Basil was interesting enough to be murdered. Dorian on the other hand did once look up to Basil and it is starting to wear down on his conscience as a person. He does somewhat tell Lord Henry that he killed Basil but he isn't reading between the lines as suggested in the text. Wilde shows the difference between the two because Lord Henry is basically showing how careless he feels about the death of Basil. As Dorian continues to bring his name Lord Henry is changing the topic. Wilde shows the change of Dorian's soul once again and how he seems to be undergoing another change.

  3. Dorian grey shows more remorse for people hes hurt than Lord Henry does. Lord henry passes people's feelings off like some trash. Dorian gets offended by Harry's course remarks when he speaks of going to see Hetty. They are quite difference when it comes to personal feelings. Lord henry doesn't truly understand Dorian. He dosen't feel what he is going through. He only see how beautiful and perfect he is telling him that he does ot ne to change himself for the food for the fact that he is already good. Lord Henry passes the idea of Basil being murdered off, he says Basil was too smart to go into the bad parts of Paris and that he was too clever to have any enemies. The painter's art also was a ittle also when Basil and dorian stopped being friends. Wilde gives us evidence that Dorian undergoes a attitude change towards lord henry

  4. Lord henry just doesnt care about the death of basil hallward. but dorian gray on the other hand is sympathetic towards people feelings lately Dorian has been acting like Lord henry a lot with his smart remarks and phrases but inside they are not siilar while Dorian and Lord henry talk Dorian almost tells that he killed Basil

    Devonta Streetman
