Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dorian Gray CH 20 (Wed 2/2)

Does Dorian Gray intend to kill himself?  Use textual evidence to support your literary analysis.


  1. No he was not intending to kill himself. In the text it says "but this murder---was it to dog him all his life? was he always to be burdened by his past? Was he really to confess? Never? There was only one bit of evidence left against him. The picture itself. He would destroy it." This shows that his intentions were to destroy the picture so he won't be reminded of the murder. He took the blade and stabbed it into the painting. The painting was a symbol of his soul, what no one can live without. This is why he died.

  2. I believe there was some intentions of killing himself for when he looked in the mirror and "loathed his own beauty, and flinging the the mirror on the floor and it crushed into silver splinters behide his heel". This could be a sign of sadness with himself, all this beauty for what? When what lies behide it its an old, ugly wicked soul. But then, a realizion came to him. That this could be his past and he could get rid of it by stabbing the picture and instead he got rid of himself all together.

  3. Dorain didn't intend to kill himself at all. He wanted to get on the right path and do good, but when he looked at the picture it looked as if it had gotten worse. The blood stain was even bigger. "He would never again tempt innocence." "He would be good." Dorian was tired of the lifestyle he was living and he figured the picture was the only thing stopping him. " A cry of pain and indignation broke from him." "He could see no change, save that in the eyes there was a look of cunning, and in the mouth the curved wrinkle of the hypocrite." Dorian thought by stabbing the painters work, he would be free. "As it killed the painter, so it would kill the painter's work, and all that that meant." "It would kill the past and when that was dead, he would be free" It didnt happen that way.

    Shaneal Simpson

  4. Dorian didnt want to kill himself. He was about bout to turn into a good person."He would be good."His intention was to get on the right path and clear his soul.He think the only thing that was keeping him back from doing good is the painting.He as trying to straighten up his life but his soul was already bad so he couldnt do anything bout it. Since his soul was in the picture that was like his body. When he start stabbing the picture he killed hisself."As it killed the painter,so it would kill the painters work."

  5. I dont think dorian intended to kill his self. i feel like it was intended to destroy the picture which he didnt like to much because it gave evidence of him wanting to change and wanting to be a better person.

